Ball valve parts
We are specialists in the production of ball valve parts and are known for our ball valve seat assemblies: the absolute summit of a custom-made product. We compile this seat assy from multiple parts of different materials.
Our ball valve parts are used in the marine, offshore and chemical industries, as well as in transport and transshipment (specially for liquid transport and LNG transport) and other sectors.
Ball valve parts according to your specifications
Our extensive machinery is equipped with all the right tools for every solution. We produce ball valve parts according to your specifications. This can easily be done on the basis of a drawing or model. The table below provides an overview of the ball valve parts that we produce to measure.
Back up ring / ring support
Ball support disc
Body gasket
Body seal
Bonnet gasket
Chevron set (v-ring set)
End cap
Gland packing
Gland spacer
FFKM o-ring
Rear seal
Seat assembly
Seat / front seal / seat insert
Seat retainer / seat holder
Spiral wound gasket
Stem bearing
Stem bushing
Stem packing
Stem seal
Stem thrust bearing
Thrust washer
Trunnion bearing

Ball valve seat assy
Our seat assembly always consists of multiple parts in different materials. Thanks to our years of experience, also of shrinkage and expansion of the different materials, fitting different parts into a seat assembly has become one of our specialties. Often metals are combined with graphite (hard or soft) and plastics. A seat assy is assembled in the following way:
- Ball valve seat (front seal / retainer)
- Ball valve retainer (zittinghouder)
- Ball valve seal (rear seal)
- Possible addition: o-ring or backup ring
Machining plastics or carbon graphite are very different specialisms than machining metals. Every plastic or graphite behaves differently under external factors. We machine all parts of the seat assy in-house. In our machine shop, we have specialists for turning metals, carbon graphite and plastics.

Question? Enquiry?
We excel in the production of custom-made plastic, rubber and polyurethane products.